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Established since 1978, AM3 PAINTS Co. S.A.R.L. premises consist of 1600 m2 located in Grand Beirut.

AM3 PAINTS Co. S.A.R.L. operates mainly on two fronts :

Manufacturing Front and Projects Execution Front carried out by MECIV ENGINEERING - a sister Co. to AM3.

On the manufacturing side , AM3 Paints Co. is producing all sorts of decorative and architectural paints, industrial and specialized tailor made coatings as well as waterproofing products, using the best world known raw materials Suppliers such as Hoechst, Bayer, Degussa, DSM Resins, DuPont, Kerr Mcgee, Akzo, Thor, Rhône- Poulenc, Henkel , Shell etc...

Besides manufacturing , AM3 Paints Co. does cooperate with French, Dutch and German companies in the field of latest developments in decoration and waterproofing both positive and negative pressure .

For 23 years our technical team has strived to give our Customers the finest paint and waterproofing products.

AM3 Paints Co. covers the whole market of Lebanon through its Agents in the different regions .

AM3 Paints Co. exports to Arab countries as well as to the countries of Eastern Bloc.

In order to increase marketing AM3 Paints Co. does participate in both Lebanese and International exhibitions and fairs.

As for publicity, AM3 Paints Co is launching campaigns in magazines, newspapers , radio and television .

As regards the projects execution , AM3 Paints Co. and its sister Co. MECIV ENGINEERING rely on highly skilled and qualified personnel who enjoys large experience thanks to the execution of projects and to the attendance of regular seminars organized by the AM3 Head Office.

AM3 PAINTS Co. and its Sister MECIV ENGINEERING are members of :

  • Association Of Lebanese Industrialists.
  • Association Of Industrialists and Merchants at Mkalles and its Vicinity.
  • Chamber of Commerce and Industry.
  • Syndicate of Paint Manufacturers of Lebanon .
  • Order of Lebanese Engineers.
  • Syndicate of Lebanese Contractors..
  • Ministry of Energy and Water .